In the distant future, a stainless-steel pagoda is constructed on the island of Hokkaido, in Northern Japan. The structure’s every feature abides by a divine geometry—from its pyramidal roof to its one-hundred niches bearing one-hundred metallic statuettes. There is an onsen, or ceremonial bath, in the courtyard. It bears a metallic liquid that percolates up from the earth. Clouds of vaporous chrome linger above its surface. Still further in the future, when the pagoda is consumed by the sea, the onsen will retain its ethereal liquid.
Inspired by memories of the distant future, Metals offers notes of ylang ylang, teak, white musk, patchouli, tonka bean, amber, and warm wood.
Notes— teak, white musk, patchouli, tonka bean, ylang ylang, amber
Essence— angular, alien, maritime, silken, metallic, onsen